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What to expect on your first wax

So your a waxing virgin?! There a lot of questions you may be thinking and want the answers to but perhaps you're too embarrassed to ask them? I completely understand how your feeling so I have written this blog to answer those questions to you can feel more confident and reassured when you do book in for your first wax!

I’m embarrassed about revealing my body

The embarrassment thing? No therapist will care about how hairy you are or what you look like. We have seen everything from leg hairs that are as course as your Dad's, to bikini hair that grows down your legs to shaggy underarms! It is our job and we are used to seeing body hair every day! No one is judged and you will be made to feel at ease. Click here for answers to all of your most embarrassing questions about waxing.

I don’t know if I can handle the pain of waxing

Waxing isn’t pain-free but it is bearable and quick – it lasts for only a few minutes and once it’s done you’ll be hair free for up to a month so it’s definitely worth the short-lived discomfort. If you’re concerned about it hurting, check out our blog on how to minimize pain in your waxing appointment.

What should I wear and where will I get changed?

Wear anything you like to your treatment. However, you might like to bring along a spare pair of knickers in case any wax gets on the one’s you’re wearing (you can keep underwear on for a basic or high bikini line wax but you will have to take them off or move them to one side for a Brazilian or Hollywood). You’ll be given plenty of time to remove your clothing in private and get onto the treatment bed — a towel will be available to cover up any areas you don’t want to reveal. You may also want to wear loose clothing, nothing too restricting as you want to let the skin breathe after and the skin may be a little tender so something that doesn't rub against the skin. Check out our blog on What to wear for your waxing treatment.

What happens during the treatment?

Your therapist will apply a touch of oil to your skin if it’s quite dry to help the wax work effectively. Then a thin layer of wax will be applied and a strip smoothed over it to catch your hairs. Your skin will be held taut before the strip is removed to reduce pain and encourage a smoother result. You may be asked to help stretch the skin as your therapist only has two hands and this will take your mind off it as its give your hands something to do.

Most therapists will chat to you as they work to help take your mind off the treatment and it’ll all be over before you know it. A soothing oil or moisturiser will be applied to your legs, underarms or bikini area after your session, which will eliminate any sticky bits so you can put your regular clothes back on as normal.

I hope this has answered some of your concerns and questions about waxing! Now you are cued up on the waxing lowdown its time to book your appointment, you can do that below...

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