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Holistic Treatments

Hopi Ear Candles £30 (30mins)


A deeply relaxing and effective treatment offering benefits for many problems and conditions such as tinnitus, compacted ear wax, sore throats, hay fever, headaches, migraines, sinusitis and asthma. Includes face and scalp massage.


Ear Candling Aftercare Advice 
Try to rest after the treatment, try to avoid driving or operating machinery.
There could possibly be an increased discharge of cerumen; it may be necessary to protect delicate pillowcases as the ear wax can stain.
Keep the face and the neck warm to aid the effects of the treatment.
Try to avoid poking anything in to the ears such as cotton buds etc.
Try to drink atlas 2 liters of water to aid the flushing of toxins; swallowing also stimulates the Eustachian tube.

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