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Top 10 tips on how to feel comfortable during a bikini wax

Having a bikini wax can be a very daugtening and embarrasing thought for a lot of people -so don't worry you're not alone! As a therapist I often get told after "that wasn't half a bad as I thought!" So try not to listen to other people as they may put you off, especially if they have had a bad waxing experience themselves. It's not often you bare all, and usually no other person sees the most intimate and private parts of your body other than your loved one. But don't worry it is part of our job and I have put together my top tips for making the whole process a lot less embarrassing and easier to mange!

Here are my top 10 tips on how you can feel more comfortable during a intimate wax...

  1. Although you might feel self conscious about your body, your therapist will not blink an eye at stretch marks, scars, discolouration, cellulite or what your lady bits looks like. She’s seen it all (because it’s completely normal!) and will do everything she can to help you feel at ease. Remember you are not being judged, and there is no normal everyone is different!

  2. Don’t worry about having ‘too much hair’. In fact, shorter growth is harder to remove than longer hair so don’t trim away too much in advance of your treatment. If your hair is a bit longer than required you can trim it there but make sure its not shorter than about 5mm.

  3. There is no such thing as what you think is "being really hairy" You have to remember your therapist has seen it all and what you think is really bad, is more than likely really not that bad as nothing shocks your therapist as she has probably see 100 times worse!

  4. Ask for disposable underwear if you’d prefer to keep your knickers on during your treatment. You can move them to one side as your therapist completes each section so you’re never fully bare. Also ask for an extra modesty towel if you’d like more coverage. You can reveal and cover each area as needed.

  5. Keep the conversation going with your therapist because it will keep your mind off the discomfort. Or, if you prefer not to talk, let your therapist know that you would prefer a quieter treatment beforehand.

  6. Remember it will be over very quickly — a good therapist will complete a bikini line wax, full bikini, Brazilian or Hollywood at lightning speed.

  7. Your first wax is always the worst one! Once your therapist has seen your lady garden then that initial first embarrassment is no longer there! Also it become less painful as when you are nervous you will automatically tense up and this can cause it to be more uncomfortable.

  8. Try and maintain regular waxing appointments as more often you wax, the sparser and finer your hair will grow back in the long term. Visiting on a regular basis will also help you to build up trust and as relationship with your therapist, it won't also feel so daunting everytime you visit.

  9. If your worried about any personal hygiene, it's always advisable to have a bath or shower before you come, this will also open up the pores making it more comfortable. If you are coming straight from work then you could always keep a spare pair of knickers and some baby wipes in your bag if you feel you want to freshen up before your appointment.

  10. If you are new to the salon, then it may be an idea to book in for a consultation before or maybe another treatment so you can meet your therapist first and start to build trust and a relationship with them first. It is also nice to check out the salon first as this can be quite daunting in itself for some people walking into a salon environment. Once you see that the surroundings are clean and there is a nice warm friendly atmosphere, this will instantly give you some reassurance that you are in safe hands.

I hope I have put some of those worries to rest and reassured you that what you feel is completely normal, although it's not the norm for you, this is our job and we do it all the time so please remember that!

If you have got any further questions then please feel free to email me at

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